Only internet explorer can download excel files

Jul 10, 2013 This post explains how to disable the Internet Explorer file download we are only going to be disabling the prompt for a certain file type – in 

saving the exported data in an Excel file. Prerequisites Appendix A - Internet Explorer Settings Required to Download Report Data to Excel. Several  You can reset your system Internet security settings in Internet Explorer. See How to reset Internet 

Internet Explorer TechCenter These Excel files contain different features unsupported in Excel Online like "workbook protection" so option "Open in Excel" is present. When trying to open one of these Excel files (*.xlsx) from SharePoint site on a Mac PC using Chrome browser i've recently found that application handler (in my opinion it is

When I try to open an excel file on my desktop, it prompts me to install the disappeared and the only option I now have is to Open Excel online. Chrome and Internet Explorer but do not get the excel desktop option in either  In Web Timesheet you can choose which file format will be used to export Excel, it opens in the other programs such as Internet explorer, Firefox, Safari,  Jul 10, 2013 This post explains how to disable the Internet Explorer file download we are only going to be disabling the prompt for a certain file type – in  Oct 29, 2013 Note that at this point, the file is already downloaded to your on your computer, clicking the dropdown menu only gives you additional options. in the default program for this file type (for GIF it is typically Internet Explorer,  Aug 17, 2016 How to Stop Word Documents from Opening in an Internet Explorer Window If you have Microsoft Word, or the full Microsoft Office suite, loaded on your document, only to see it open in an Internet Explorer window instead. Mar 16, 2010 The “Allow file download” option is used to prevent the downloading of files via Internet Explorer. This setting does not prevent the browser form 

With Open with Explorer (File Explorer), you can copy and move multiple files and Explorer uses ActiveX technology, so it's only supported in Internet Explorer.

Hi all, when a user wants to open a link to an excel file in Internet Explorer nothing happens. When i try the same wit my user Profile it works. where can be here the Problem? In Custom level option and check if Automatic prompting for file downloads is disabled. Yes, the user can open Excel files. It is stored in our Intranet site. When I click on a link for a file, like an mp3, rdp, etc. the only options I get are save or cancel. For example, if I try to connect to a windows azure virtual machine I have to download the RDP file - I can't just click open. File opens instead of downloading in internet explorer in a href link. Ask Question This can only be applied if the user has Access to the IIS servers on which he has his site hosted. instead of making any changes in the code i would add the following text "Internet Explorer users: To download file, "Rightclick" the link and hit "Save UPDATE: If I go into Excel, go to the Trust Center settings, and uncheck "Enable Protected View for files originating from the Internet" and "Enable Protected View for files located in potentially unsafe locations", then I am able to launch the excel content type asp files directly in Excel. Can't download files I can't download files from any browser. It says the download is complete but I can't open it or it doesn't show up in my computer. Even if I just save a picture since saving a picture is considered downloading a file. I can't even say "Allow" when Internet Explorer wants to install Adobe Flash General Discussion There are times that we have to download an enormous amount of files from an internet location, but the procedure needs substantial time to complete manually. Apart from the waste of time, it is quite annoying to click on every file and press the “Save File” button of your browser and repeat this procedure again and again until you download all the files.

Hi all, when a user wants to open a link to an excel file in Internet Explorer nothing happens. When i try the same wit my user Profile it works. where can be here the Problem? In Custom level option and check if Automatic prompting for file downloads is disabled. Yes, the user can open Excel files. It is stored in our Intranet site.

Jan 24, 2018 To prevent Internet Explorer from opening Microsoft Excel files, follow the steps below for Check the box for "Confirm open after download". 8] To download files, Internet Explorer needs to create a temporary cache file. 10] Finally – if nothing works, the only option that is left to try is to reset browser  Preventing Internet Explorer from Opening Office Files [e.g., Word Documents, You will need to repeat step 4 for each Microsoft Office document type [DOC, You can reset your system Internet security settings in Internet Explorer. See How to reset Internet  You can reset your system Internet security settings in Internet Explorer. See How to reset Internet  How can I change whether the file opens or saves, or specify a different download location? There are two reasons the download prompt may not appear:. All newer browsers (and I guess even the newer implementations of IE), don't allow file access to the local system. Internet Explorer is the only 

Dec 7, 2018 hi ! to learn how to download files from web ui, i have downloaded the example could only be downloaded after clicking the download button manually. it is still possible to choose between Open with “Microsoft Excel” or Save file. Can you please help how to handle download in Internet Explorer? How to download Excel files from Cognos ( • Internet Explorer: Step 1: Go to This un-selection is required only for piloting in the  You can also export the browsing history into csv/tab-delimited/html/xml file from For example, if you want to only get the browsing history of Internet Explorer,  Jan 8, 2019 Use this command, which has to occur before the download starts, to Also in Internet Explorer, for some file types (e.g. zip and Excel files) you may a chance that the files get downloaded only into the user's Downloads  When I try to open an excel file on my desktop, it prompts me to install the disappeared and the only option I now have is to Open Excel online. Chrome and Internet Explorer but do not get the excel desktop option in either  In Web Timesheet you can choose which file format will be used to export Excel, it opens in the other programs such as Internet explorer, Firefox, Safari, 

Aug 15, 2016 When you click an HTML link to a Microsoft Office file (such as a Microsoft Word or In the File Download dialog box, click Run or Open, and then follow the steps in the easy fix wizard. This wizard may be in English only. Jul 31, 2019 This issue can occur if the Index.dat file in the Temporary Internet Files folder or the Cookies folder has been marked with the Read Only  Jan 28, 2019 Learn how to download files from the web, change your default download location, and find files you've downloaded Save the file on your PC in the default download location. After Internet Explorer runs a security scan, the file will open and run on your PC. Only download files from sites that you trust. TechNet; Products; IT Resources; Downloads; Training; Support After updating to Office 2010, when I click on a link in Internet Explorer that points to an Excel file, the file will Excel opens when I click on the link but the file does not open. I believe my only other option is to contact Mirosoft for support. Using Internet Explorer (IE) to download the Excel files results in incorrect formatting of the spreadsheets that cannot be fixed by the user. The problem is the  Jan 24, 2018 To prevent Internet Explorer from opening Microsoft Excel files, follow the steps below for Check the box for "Confirm open after download".

Learn how to download files or folders in OneDrive and OneDrive for Business. Outlook · OneDrive · Word · Excel · PowerPoint · OneNote · SharePoint The Download button will only appear when files or folders are selected. In OneDrive for Business, you can't use Internet Explorer to download folders or multiple files.

Jan 24, 2018 To prevent Internet Explorer from opening Microsoft Excel files, follow the steps below for Check the box for "Confirm open after download". 8] To download files, Internet Explorer needs to create a temporary cache file. 10] Finally – if nothing works, the only option that is left to try is to reset browser  Preventing Internet Explorer from Opening Office Files [e.g., Word Documents, You will need to repeat step 4 for each Microsoft Office document type [DOC, You can reset your system Internet security settings in Internet Explorer. See How to reset Internet  You can reset your system Internet security settings in Internet Explorer. See How to reset Internet  How can I change whether the file opens or saves, or specify a different download location? There are two reasons the download prompt may not appear:. All newer browsers (and I guess even the newer implementations of IE), don't allow file access to the local system. Internet Explorer is the only